When looking into finance website design there is several factors that have to be taken into account along with the normal headaches that come with designing a website. For starters you will have to ensure that the website is easy to navigate around yet has all the information needed. You will also have to bear in mind that the Financial Services Authority calls for websites that provide fair and none mis-leading information. The FSA does review financial websites to ensure among other things that key information is provided. Therefore this has to be top priority when designing your website.
Finance website design also has to include such things as tools, tips, articles and downloads so that consumers are able to take care of their financial planning so when considering the layout and pages be aware that you need to include these into the website.
The finance website design should also include a page dedicated for press releases. This is where you are able to take advantage of updating your website and this is essential if you want to appear in the search engine rankings. Along with press releases you could also include news about financial matters and there is a lot to report and keep updated particularly in the payment protection sector.
For instance you could keep consumers informed regarding the current in depth review by the Competition Commission and the continuing watchful eye of the Competition Commission and the Financial Services Authority. You can also post useful phone numbers, web addresses and e-mail addresses.
Of course the website design also has to feature many of the things that all websites do. The site needs to be easy to get around as this is where a lot of websites fail. Clear links should be posted on the website leading the consumer to the various web pages. However not only should these links appear on the home page of the website but they also need to appear on every page that leads off from it.
You also have to consider the look of the finance website design. Try to keep the website as simple as possible. The only graphics you really need on your financial website is the company’s logo and this should also be as simple and clean looking as possible. Do not use fancy fonts and stick with a light coloured plain background on which there is dark writing. Readers do not want to have to strain to read very small text. However at the same time they also do not want the text “shouting” out to them. Background images are a mistake as this makes reading hard and music should be avoided in the background. If you want a professional looking financial website then you will not want to include flashing gifs or videos as an introduction to the website. If you do your homework and look around and compare some of the top financial websites you will see they do not need a page dedicated to the website with flashing images and an “enter” sign in the middle. Financial websites need to be straight and to the point, offering advice and information and of course an easy way to buy financial products.