All websites need to be designed with the consumer in mind. However with insurance website design this is especially so as the Financial Services Authority continually check websites such as these. They look to ensure that the website is providing clear and adequate information regarding the insurance products that are for sale. Promotional websites selling financial products should not in anyway be mis-leading.
The FSA realise that being able to shop around for insurance products is a great thing; however having this ability can lead some consumers to making rash purchases. Plenty of advice and information needs to be provided online so that consumers are able to make the right choice when shopping online for their insurance products.
With this in mind when planning insurance website design you need to give some thought to the layout and the web pages that will be included on the website. Many individuals want to do their own financial planning and as a result websites should include tools, articles, tips, advice and downloads to make this all possible. Also when considering what pages to have on the website you should give some thought to include a press page and news page. With these pages you are able to keep the consumer up to date with what is happening in the financial world. This is essential also if you do not want your website to become stale. One of the easiest ways of continually updating your website and which should be given thought in the insurance website design is articles. You can provide the consumer with an enormous amount of advice by way of articles. This will keep the Financial Services Authority happy and the consumer.
You should also consider an “about us” page in the insurance website. By telling potential customers about your hopes and dream for the company and providing them with background information they will be able to see your ethics. An ethical company who provides detailed information, photos of the key members of staff and free help and advice will go a lot further than one who pays little attention to this.
Finally when considering your insurance website design you also need to ensure that the site is pleasing on the eye and easy to get around. No one wants to have to lean into the monitor to read what is written while at the same time they will not want see glaring large letters on the screen. You need to keep the website clean and professional looking and this means not using fancy fonts, coloured fonts, flashing images and sounds. All of these just go towards making the website confusing for the consumer. The sole aim of the website is to make a website that will bring in the consumers and also to ensure that there is a safe place for them to make insurance purchases after being given all the information needed to ensure they buy what they want and need.