When considering putting together an insurance website there are many factors you have to take into account. A financial website is a lot harder to design than just any website. For one it could be checked over by the Financial Services Authority. They check to ensure that all financial websites offer the essential advice to consumers to allow them to buy financial products after checking this advice and information. If you are considering putting together your insurance web design yourself then here is some advice and tips to help.
The first thing you will want to plan is to ensure that the layout and insurance web design is professional looking and that the site is easy to navigate. To plan a professional website you should ensure that you do not use flashy graphics, gifs, videos and sound files on the website. Not only are these gimmicky and unneeded, they also take a huge amount of time to load and consumers do not need this. Plan your design with just your company logo and a plain background and you will be off to a great start.
One of the best insurance web design tips to follow is to ensure that you have links and buttons to navigate around the website with ease. You will want to include a vast amount of information on the website and this will be stored on different web pages on the site. Therefore consumers do not want to be looking around the website to find the pages they want. Add buttons down the left hand side of the webpage and ensure that these buttons remain in the same place on any web pages that lead off from the main page. If they remain static in the same position then people will not have any problems finding them.
When giving some thought to the actual web pages you need to think about adding a page that includes tools and information by way of articles, FAQs and tips so that the consumer can do their own financial planning. You could also include a press release and news pages and these are great for both the website and those browsing, as this is your way of keeping the website updated and fresh. A stale website will not be favourable in the search engine rakings. New information regarding insurance and related financial products is not hard to find, you could for instance keep the consumer up to date with the latest about the Competition Commissions in depth review and findings and also changes.
One of the best insurance web design tips is to include a page related to the company. Here is your chance to show consumers that you are an ethical company. You can include key staff photos and a quick bio on staff members. You cold also get across what you have achieved in the past by way of awards and such as also let the consumer know of your plans for the future.